Assignment 17 – Model Portrait


In our final assignment we were to do a portrait not of ourselves but of someone else. I decided to use my younger sister as my model. I thought it would be nice to capture the opposite gender and a younger person as opposed to say one of my friends, who are mostly 20-something year-old males. I am really happy with how it turned out. I think it’s among my best work and probably my best portrait that I drew.

Assignment turned in on Dec. 6

Assignment 16 – Self Portrait 3


This might be my favorite piece of work. My third self-portrait is easily me best of the three portraits. My shading is much improved and I think I really managed to capture realism in my drawing. I have had so much fun with the self-portraits and have gotten better with each one, which makes me feel very satisfied with my work.

Assignment turned in on Dec. 6


Assignment 14 – First Self-Portrait


This was the first time I had ever tried to draw a self portrait, or even a face this up-close. I think I did a decent job for it being my first time. There is not enough shading in the face, but my proportions for the most part are pretty accurate.

Assignment turned in on Nov. 22

Assignment 12 – Landscape Sketches


This assignment was sort of two parts, where we drew four sketches of landscapes and picked our best one to turn in for a separate grade. Since it was all turned in the same week I figured I’d just show the one I turned in. I don’t this piece is particularly bad but I could’ve done a little more work on it, as right now it just looks like something is missing. Some more shading perhaps.

Assignments turned in on Nov. 8

Assignment 9 – Midterm


For my midterm I chose to draw my cat. Overall I think I did a good job on this assignment. I used a combination of skills learned throughout the class, including drawing with the eraser and levels of shading.

Assignment turned in on Oct. 11